Loading of 2 M3U playlist for channels possible?
Hello ,

i have the following issue,

since newer Libreelec would no longer channel list from EyeTV IPTVserver,
would have to manually add M3U CHannel list;

now i have 2 M3U, one for DVB-T and one for DVB-S/S2,

is it possible to install both of them?
it is my understanding that i can only select one M3U?

if yes, it is possible to load both of them, please show me how.

Thank you
thank you, this functions well now with newer version of IPTV Simple, very nice.
will see  if older raspberry can update to newer version!
If older Kodi without IPTV simple that supports 2x playlists then you could try https://www.matthuisman.nz/2019/02/iptv-...dd-on.html
You can load multiple M3U playlists simultaneously with the <mod edit - link to dodgy piracy tutorial infested site removed>
You can load multiple playlists natively in Kodi since Kodi Nexus.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
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Loading of 2 M3U playlist for channels possible?0