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multiuser different watchstates
Im trying to set up multi user on kodi, but... if i choose  "media info: shares with default" both profiles shares the watched state.
But if i choose "seperate" i instead end up with 2 databases, and 2 sets of thumbnails & fanarts, and needing to scan on both seperatly (takes ages)

For devices like google tv or other low power devices this takes ALOT of extra space.
I already need to have my thumbnails on smb share with path substitution to run even one profile, am i going to have to run the databases on smb share with path substitution also?

What's even the point of having multiple users if they share the same watched state anyway?
everything you describe is "as intended"

i think you have just figured out why most people do not use multiple profiles in Kodi
Is there then any decent way to have seperate watch statuses within the household?
Lets say i pathsub the database location over smb, thats gonna slow down browsing quite alot right?
Have no personal experience, but I think the "trakt" plugin will do what you want, but it means having all your library/watched info on the "trakt" site, I assume the info is made widely available.

scott s.
(2023-11-23, 23:52)scott967 Wrote: I assume the info is made widely available.

You can set this at trakt (public or only private).
This means that the trakt plugin needs to sync whenever you swap user tho? that takes quite some time. swapping user and waiting 15 min for it to finnish sync is pretty far from ideal
Another option would be to create a separate media source for each user, then you only have one database and each user has their own status.
Setting up requires time for every option.

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