Youtube viewpoint about Kodi
Hi, I have a Youtube channel to showcase how my skin, Aeon Tajo, looks. From time to time I upload a short video to let Kodi users know about a new media view, feature or version of the skin. They are only a video capture of my computer screen while I browse my own media, go through the different options and things like that.

Some time ago I received a notification from Youtube explaining that they had removed several videos, the reason was, literally:

"Content that shows users how to access free and unauthorized audio content, audiovisual material, full video games, software or streaming services that normally require payment is not permitted. This policy applies to videos, descriptions, comments, live streams, and all other YouTube products and features. Please note that this list is not exhaustive."

I replied what I said before, and after some days they enabled the videos again. Today, I received again the same notification, banning another harmless video, very likely in the next days three or four more videos will follow suit... It's sad to realize that for some, everything related to the name Kodi just stinks and it's considered guilty of piracy by default.
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And yet this lot get away with it -
Update: I appealed the decision, but this time they have confirmed the ban! I can’t do anything more, I just sent a written reply through the Youtube help suggestion system, since it’s the only way to send a message to them, but little hope to get an answer…

I know that Kodi foundation has no legal department, and in addition, I earn nothing with the Youtube channel, I only upload videos to help users, so no actual damage that they do to me, anyway I only wanted let you know this situation.

BTW, if any doubt about the actual content of my Youtube videos you can check the ones still available (at least for the time being), searching in Youtube for ‘Aeon Tajo’ and the creator ‘Manuel F.’
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This is one of the reasons that alternatives to You Tube exist and are growing.  It is unfortunate that they do this but fortunate for their competitors.  It's also one of the reasons I am old school and run my own domain web server.  I can post what I want.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-11-24, 00:26)manfeed Wrote: Kodi foundation has no legal department,
Actually we do, just it's not staffed ATM.
May i asked what kind of Video out of your own collection you have used?
I mean Youtube uses automatic filters to determinate any copyright problems, so if you use scenes out of commercial media that could be a problem.

Maybe if you use something like Big Buck Bunny etc. for demonstration purpose the videos stay online.
On the other hand: there are many more videohosters out there besides youtube. If you think they have a quite dumb copyright policy, transfer your videos to another service.
(2023-11-24, 17:28)PatK Wrote: Actually we do, just it's not staffed ATM.
Do we? Since when? I've never seen or heard of it.
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(2023-11-27, 10:51)darkside40 Wrote: May i asked what kind of Video out of your own collection you have used?
I mean Youtube uses automatic filters to determinate any copyright problems, so if you use scenes out of commercial media that could be a problem.

Maybe if you use something like Big Buck Bunny etc. for demonstration purpose the videos stay online.

It’s not a matter of copyright from my part, if you read what they accused me of, it’s “showing users how to access to media”. In no way am I doing that, in addition, I don’t even play any movie in my videos, I only browse my covers and the like. When occasionally, I have shown how lyrics work in Kodi, obviously I had to play at least some seconds of a song, and sometimes Youtube has complained, offering me either to silent that part of the video or not making any money from it (what I’m not doing anyway, so for me that was fine), but never did they get to the point of banning the video.

As I said, I only wanted everybody here to know about this. Today, it’s me, tomorrow will be another one. The trend is clear, for many Kodi equals to piracy no matter what. If one of them is such an important company like Youtube and nothing is said, that’s a problem. In Spanish there is a saying that goes very well with this topic: “el que calla, otorga” that translated would be more or less: “to remain silent is like saying ‘that’s true’”
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, please click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :)
Amazon has had this opinion about Kodi for years already and the continuing pirate usage of Kodi is not helping the situation.
Its the same with ebay etc. Try to sell a multimedia box with preinstalled Libreelec and mention Kodi and you they likely block that ad.

From my point of view the only thing that can be done is similiar to Twitter / X: dont use it anymore. Search for an alternative. The Fediverse have grown mus in the past year, especially among tech savvy people.
There are other Video hosters that maybe are not idiots.
On the other hand there seems to be support here for  people to stream content from their webserver which they have "downloaded over the past years", which also does not sound legally okay (assuming they dont only download Big Buck Bunny etc. over and over again):
(2023-11-28, 15:59)darkside40 Wrote: On the other hand there seems to be support here for  people to stream content from their webserver which they have "downloaded over the past years", which also does not sound legally okay (assuming they dont only download Big Buck Bunny etc. over and over again):

(the way i have come to understand the way things work on this forum based on various mod interactions)
not supposed to care about where people's media comes from as long as they don't have pirate addons installed then everything is "fine"
so all you can do is choose not to help those people who you feel are pirates
People are free to use Kodi as they wish, we aren't parents or guardians and they should be able to make their own decisions and accept and risks or consequences derived from those decisions.

We do however reserve the right not to promote nor assist in piracy or usage of illegally sourced materials.

Basically we expect users to apply a little common sense on "free" things that are too good to be true (or legal), and to be responsible for their own actions and choices in where they get their media from.
Something of a radical idea in this day and age I know, but it's basically our stance.
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indeed, that's approximately what i tried to say but you said it better

in simpler terms "if you want to go steal stuff that's on you but i am not going to help you do it and i am not going to help you with the stolen goods after the fact either"

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