Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How can I figure out which files are not loaded by Kodi
Hi,  When I look in Kodi, I can see there are 586 movies but if I go with a file explorer, there are 700 files.  Is there a way to figure out which file are not loaded in Kodi so I can try to figure out why they are not showing?  I guess there are some corrupted files?
I there a way to only export the file name so I can compare?  Any other suggestions will be welcome.
Run an Update Library, then go into the Event Log and check what failed...
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I've finally been able to export the libraries and then open the xml file in Excel (it tooks some time to open...).  From there I've been able to delete the unwanted columns and end up with only the file name.
Then, using an old DOS command, I've been able to export all my file name from the folder to a txt file.  Loaded it in Excel and compared.

Everything is now matching.  My problem was from all the NFO and sub-titles files in my multimedia folders.  Obviously those are not taken into account by Kodi.

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How can I figure out which files are not loaded by Kodi0