Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Trying to troubleshoot why kodi is sensing extra keys when remote is pressed
I have an MCE remote to control kodi and also some of my own scripts using irexec.

When I press one button that I want to NOT use in kodi, it does run my script but if I am playing a video in kodi it changes audio track.

From my kodi.log (I also noticed that when I press volume down it sees rightctrl?):
T:384355   debug <general>: LIRC: - NEW 000000008001020b 00 KEY_NUMERIC_POUND devinput-32 (KEY_NUMERIC_POUND)
T:384300   debug <general>: HandleKey: rightbracket (0x29) pressed, window 12005, action is AudioNextLanguage

I have no idea where the rightctrl and rightbracket is coming from, or even why rightbracket changes audio track (there's no rightbracket in /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml)??

Relevant lines from my userdata/Lircmap.xml :
    <remote device="devinput-32">

edit: I found <hash> key in /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/remote.xml.

So I added
to $HOME/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml and it did stop it from changing audio tracks:
T:1059582   debug <general>: LIRC: - NEW 000000008001020b 00 KEY_NUMERIC_POUND devinput-32 (KEY_NUMERIC_POUND)
T:1059527   debug <general>: HandleKey: rightbracket (0x29) pressed, window 12005, action is noop

But I'm still curious where it's getting rightbracket from??
(2024-01-23, 15:06)devilledham Wrote: But I'm still curious where it's getting rightbracket from??

probably down at the system level

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Trying to troubleshoot why kodi is sensing extra keys when remote is pressed0