Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v20 Is there a keymap file repository for popular remotes?
I've looked for this but I can't find anything so I'm recklessly assuming this is not a FAQ. On my own head be it. Laugh

I'm messing around with the keymap editor extension to get this remote working with Kodi:
I'm slowly winning, but it's weird - for some reason the 'OK' button is not mapped to the 'Enter' button function; the 'Back arrow' button is not mapped to backspace, et cetera. Not what I expected.

It has no 'info' button so I mapped the magnifying glass button to do that, and it has no 'stop' button so I mapped the 'play/pause' button to do that using the 'longpress' feature:
      <key id="61620">info</key>
      <play_pause mod="longpress">stop</play_pause>
      <play_pause mod="longpress">stop</play_pause>
      <play_pause mod="longpress">stop</play_pause>

So far so good, and this all works fine, but there's still a lot to do, and it's also a bit of a pain that these key mappings have to be done separately for different features (video, fullscreen video, live tv, etc.). Yet this is a fairly common remote and I simply can't be the the only one trying to get it to work properly. So I'm reinventing the wheel here.

Is there any repository of keymap files for popular remotes somewhere? Doing this once and then sharing the results would make sense, especially given the community-oriented character of Kodi.

So what am I missing?

// FvW
Update: It looks like my remote is a little flakey... Sometimes the 'OK' button works, sometimes it doesn't. My question remains though: is there a gen.xml repo somewhere?
No there isn't, the closest to this is the wiki.

This is probably the appropiate page and as you can see no keymaps have been shared, see this page for the Firestick remote to show what can be done

Also see for the listing of all wiki pages to do with remotes.

Maybe @Karellen has thoughts on the best way to do this if you were willing to edit/add something on the wiki.
(2024-02-21, 13:24)frankvw Wrote: looks like my remote is a little flakey...
I've dealt with flaky remotes in a physical way using foil

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Is there a keymap file repository for popular remotes?0