Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
soundserver why?
Hi there,

i have just a short question about the soundsystem in Kodi.
As long as i use Kodi, since about 2012, there where problems with pulseaudio. As far as i know, the issues with pulseaudio and passthrough were never solved till now?! Well, this was no real problem, because in Linux it was possible to kill pulse and there were no problems with Kodi any more. Smile
Now the situation has changed - pipewire is now the preferred soundserver in Linux and it is NOT possible to get rid of this. So one can only hope, that everything will work fine in upcoming Kodi 21, which will have the compatibility with pipewire integrated. But it seems till Kodi 21 it will last some time...
So my question is, isn't it possible to avoid any soundserver and access Alsa directly? I do not know how others handle their sound-setup, but in my setup i really do not need any soundserver.
So, with all the apparently problems with soundservers in the last years, why there is no possibility to map the sound directly to Alsa?

And yes, i do start Kodi with "env KODI_AE_SINK=ALSA kodi", but this is not a good solution. Kodi gets real unstable - i feel lucky to have a whole session without crash. Confused

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soundserver why?0