Scripts & plugins
Are there still issues (mostly on the Windows platform) with plugins an scripts, regarding winsock errors?

See Voinage's comment in ("The coding needed to pass urls to xbmc for windows is slightly different") or this topic.

Just trying some plugins. Can't determine if it's the pluging/script that are broken or if there are still issues regarding libcurl.dll/ws2_32.dll/socket.setdefaulttimeout etc. in the windows build.

Sadly, I haven't got an XBOX determine if the scripts are really working. Sad
All of my plugins work on windows (Ted Talks, The Onion, & Live Music Archive), because that's the format I develop them with. (LastTube will play, but won't queue correctly. I know the fix for it I've just been busy with other things to worry about it.) There's a link in my sig and they're avaliable from the XBMC-Addons Installer.

If you try any of those and have ANY troubles or feature requests, please let me know either on their respective release threads (search the forum) or on my google page tracker.
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If you're interested in writing addons for xbmc, read docs and how-to for plugins and scripts |||
@dragonfly: I didn't look deeper into the issue as I really don't know if the scripts make the issues or the win build. of course the timeout issue maybe some win thingy but there're some other scripts which still works so this issue has some lower priority.
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Maybe if forum readers could post which plugins or scripts they have working (preferably on the Windows platform), it could rule out script/plugins inconsistencies.

ATM most (but not all!) script builders are naturally focused on the XBOX; that where it all began. It's a bit tricky on the forums to find out if scripts are working platform wide.

Personally, I'm eager to get 3 plugins working:

  1. MediaPortal TV-Server - In my quest to get my TVcard to communicate with XBMC (I know there is a unified front-end in development)

  2. XOT-UZG (Uitzending gemist) - For missed episodes of Dutch Television. Used it on Mediaportal and would like to see it working on XBMC

  3. Navi-X - Just curious what it looks like Smile

Anyway, scripts and plugins give an already beautiful piece of software like XBMC, some extra topping.
also the apple script which is shipped with the windows installer of XBMC is not full working.. getting the covers and infos is working.. but no streaming.. same with youtube script.. demoscene scripts.. and so on...

there is a popup
"Shoutcast: Downloading Playlist.."
but nothing happens..
Funny, my Apple Movie Trailers works fine streaming. I just watched several trailers yesterday streaming in "High" mode. I find that the 420p and up modes bog down on my DSL connection.

To get the AMT script working you might have to place the "msvcr71.dll" and the "msvcp71.dll" in windows\system32. (This might be fixed in beta1)

A lot of scripts require the "Python Image Library"

If the script/plugin works initially (it fetches indexes), but fails to stream the actual content, the Win32 build might be responsible and not the script.

Please post your findings here.......
Regarding msvcr71.dll and the msvcp71.dll (and also the 9 version) they might needed since this are the base libraries for windows compiled stuff but I never ruled that out yet since they're mostly on the system (beside a fresh install)
71 is needed for vs2003 compiled stuff -> all library dlls
9 is needed for vs2008 compiled stuff -> the XBMC binary itself

The question is are we allowed and should we ship all four libraries with the installer?
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Hmmmm........haven't got the "9" version on my system (don't care much/trust windows updates). Do have the "8" version (msvcr80.dll) though, which resides in WinSXS.

Is the "9" version really needed and would it make a difference?
copying the msvcr71.dll and the msvcp71.dll from my desktop system to my xbmc system brings the solution for me.. all scripts can now stream content from the web.. thx a lot
DragonFly Wrote:Hmmmm........haven't got the "9" version on my system (don't care much/trust windows updates). Do have the "8" version (msvcr80.dll) though, which resides in WinSXS.

Is the "9" version really needed and would it make a difference?

I'm not the windows guru but I assumed that it is needed for all compiles from vs2008. But I could be wrong of course.
At least we now that the 71's are needed (or maybe it's upwards compatible??)
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I have AMT-script start not in full screen - somebody can help?
Quick question: Does someone moderates plugins/scripts? I mean, those found by the "XBMC-Addons Installer", do they actually work?
no, there isn't any moderation, since the developers have access to that svn where the addons installer fetches stuff from.

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