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Hi there,

Long time meedio user here. After the latest redo (happens every 2 months with meedio), I've decided to give xbmc a try. Wow is it ever easy! Nice.

So ... I've got my TV shows added (setup was a breeze) and all the info downloaded from TVDB.com. So far so good.

By default, I see a list of every show from every season.

Is there a way to list seasons?

Is there a way to display episode info when I view the list of shows? Right now I see the file name (Ex: Friends - S02E01.avi) and a thumbnail for the highlighted show. If I right-click and choose 'episode information' I see all the info, but it would be nice to see at least the episode name, and maybe a synopsis on the browsing screen. Possible?

Thanks for your patience.
Are you using library view (toggle off to the left in default skin)? The info you desire is only available in the library.
Try enabling library mode. It's got what you're looking for.
Thanks! It's starting to come together.

I think I added my media in a way that may not be the best. I created 2 sources, one for tv and one for movies. They are both in videos. Now, when I drill down to movies and use library mode, I see all the movies and can change my view. It looks good.

But my TV shows are gone and I need to navigate all the way back to see my sources to get to the tv library view.

I noticed that some other themes (or skins ... I don't really know the difference yet) have a separate menu selection for TV. Do I need to nuke my existing TV sources or is there a way to move them to the TV menu?

I'm seriously confused.
You could mod your home screen with a new button (Or change an existing button) to point directly to the TV section. Or...you could mod a button in keymap.xml for your remote (assuming you use one) to point straight to it. (Or, as you already guessed, use a different skin)

See this post for help using the PM3 skin

(wiki is a good source as well http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=XBMC_Online_Manual)
ZOTAC IONITX-D-E Intel Atom N330 Dual Core 1.6 GHz NVIDIA ION with LIVE on SSD (now updated to Nvidia Shield Pro (P2897)
Thanks! That gets me going in the right direction. Is there a way to rescue my TV shows folder that is currently assigned to "Videos" and point the "TV Shows" section or am I better off starting from scratch?

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