xbmc ignoring userdata folder in vista
Hello all,

First off : XBMC rules, still uses it on my xbox's, so it was nice to see a windows port to be able to play hd content. thanks!

is this a common problem when xbmc ignores the usedata files ? such as sources.xml, keymap, advancedsettings,...

Also I can't find where xbmx stores the source.xml it uses, because I've added some links in it.

Is there a problem in vista with it ?


Kind regards,

Look under c:\Users\%user name%\AppData\Roaming Profile and voila u find a XBMC folder.. there u have it.
damn, now i feel stupid ....

Thanks man, looked over it...

I assumed it was c:\program files\xbmc\userdata


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xbmc ignoring userdata folder in vista0