Win Newbie Question about the IPTV
My iptv providerr has given me an account with username  password, and a link. I can use it on the web such as MegaOtt web player, but I don't know how to set it up in Kodi. I've tried, but I couldn't find a place to enter my subscription.

Thank you in advance for all the help provided.
You would need and application 'app' or 'add-on' specifically designed for that source. We have no clue as to what iptv service offered, and there's a good chance the source is not legitimate and breaks our rules. I'll give you the bereft of the doubt and suggest you read 'caution the add-ons you install' link in my signature at the bottom of this message.
I too have my own login credentials user name,password,url I want to know how to use it on kodi.

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