Putting my virgin go app onto kodi
Hi, All wondered if anyone can help.
I have been trying this morning to get my virgin tv go to work on my amazon firestick! Obviously no luck so far.
Came across kodi and from what i have been reading using kodi with my virgin go app on it should work, but i have no idea how to get it working.
Anyone know how? 
Just to be clear, i have no interest is illigal stuff all i want to do is access my virgin go app.
Has anyone got a solution to this.

Thank you for any replies.
I don't think Virgin's app is supported in Kodi - though you may find an Android box that will run it (probably something like the Android Shield TV Pro which should have all the DRM stuff needed).  

This forum is not for the Virgin VBox - it's for the VBox networked tuner.

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