Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Broken Synchronization between Weblate and Kodi Git
Hello everybody,

i don't think synchronization between Kodi's Git and Weblate is working correctly. Usually when some project use this setup translation are pulled and merged automatically in every few hours (max 24h), and you can see them in git. This ofc has some very welcomed advantages, like seeing your translation in dev/nightly releases and being able to edit them before RC/Stable release. For example Jellyfin, since that is something similar orientated -

I made some changes few weeks back and noticed that it's not synchronized, so I was like OK i'll wait for a few days. Well, i downloaded today Nightly and it's still not there. Oo

So... when the hell this sync Webplate and Kodi Git happen? Nerd What's the point of having nightly release when I'm unable to test translation.
Hi @nextlooper42

Well, translations don't exactly work like that.
Pull requests are created automatically by Weblate, but have to be merged manually to confirm and approve all changes.

Translations are not part of nightly releases.
They work as language addons and can be updated at all times (just like all other addons).
As soon as translation pull requests are merged, a new addon release is created and pushed out.

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