how to disable the yellow number showing the FPS on the top right of XBMC

Alright that's my first post, haven't contributed on this forum so far

First: Thank you tons for this amazing piece of software i think this is the best open source project ever! i've been using it for many years since the very beginning on my xbox v 0.1

Second: I have a small problem as the title mention it, i got a yellow number showing the FPSon the top right of XBMC, i've lost like 1 hour searching where to disable it 0o Can't find it

please halp i
try disable @setting/system/debug logging disable
Hey thanks for your imput but this is not from the debug logging
it only show the fps. debug show ram usage, cpu load and fps
We only render the FPS in the visual debug info (and it's white). I'm going to hazard to guess something else is drawing that.
sounds like fraps?
Or some custom video card drivers. What graphics card and drivers are you using?
Freddo Wrote:sounds like fraps?

nope, not installed

sw1tch Wrote:Or some custom video card drivers. What graphics card and drivers are you using?

althekiller Wrote:We only render the FPS in the visual debug info (and it's white). I'm going to hazard to guess something else is drawing that.

i m using the latest ATI drivers, that must be it, will look into it
ati tray tools also do that.
yeah i figured it out, that was from the ati tool app! i feel silly now
thanks to all of you for helping! (:

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how to disable the yellow number showing the FPS on the top right of XBMC0