Hi all - am I forbidden from sending PMs?
Hi all. I just registered about 30 minutes ago.
How's your past half hour been? I spent mine trying to PM a user.

Are new user forbidden from sending PMs? or is the whole feature missing from the forum altogether?

(2024-05-04, 00:09)expldec Wrote: Are new user forbidden from sending PMs?
Yes, until you reach a certain number of posts.
Is that number written somewhere? I can't seem to find the rules.
No it's not, as it's part of the forum set-up.

You'll notice your user is a "Newbie" account. When that changes, that's the indicator that your account has automatically upgraded.

We don't advertise it as it's an anti-spam measure, and in most cases the users don't read the docs anyway.
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Shucks -- I was meant to PM a user with some debug info for a PR he's got on github.

However I do understand forum spam sucks, so I can't blame you.
As long as you promise not to keep to your username and blow the forum up, try it now...
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2024-05-04, 11:10)expldec Wrote: I was meant to PM a user with some debug info for a PR he's got on github.
You could message him on GitHub.
My account was changed to "Junior Member," and it looks like I can't PM a user as well. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
(2024-06-04, 15:53)hmsgrad10 Wrote: My account was changed to "Junior Member,"
We have restrictions on new members. In time those restrictions will be lifted.
To be honest, I was looking at your posts yesterday and thinking you were a bot or spammer and marked your account for possible closing.
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What made you think I was a spammer? Can you reconsider closing my account?

I've been using KODI since it was XBMC way back in the day, but I've taken a hiatus and explored other programs. I recently realized that no other program will compare to the flexibility of KODI. I joined recently because I wanted to be active within the community. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe that my previous posts went against the rules. I intend to fully comply with all the rules.
(2024-06-04, 22:34)hmsgrad10 Wrote: What made you think I was a spammer? Can you reconsider closing my account?
Your posts sounded suspiciously AI created, and we get flooded with spam and bots daily.
Yep, I'll remove that red warning flag off your account that you have probably been wondering about.

Welcome to the community. Smile
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Thank you very much!
Bumping old threads is also a warning sign to mods that it could be spam or a bot.

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Hi all - am I forbidden from sending PMs?0