Bug TV Channel Cursor Location Jumping Around.
There seems to be a Fault in the Kodi TV Guide. While moving the Guide marker away to search the guide, The Channel Marker jumps back to the Timeline Marker making searching through the guide impossible.

I attach a video to show the fault, I am moving the guide marker forward and sometimes down, but the Cursor, keeps jumping back to the timeline marker while the channels are updating, making searching the guide impossible.

Has not one other person spotted this. I'm not crazy as you can see from the video. It is not related to Pseudo TV Live as after downgrading that add on the issue still persists.
It has been doing it for weeks now.
Change your skin to Estuary default and see if this problem persists.
Hello BJ1,
Thanks for the reply, Yep, it sure does.
Considering this hasn't been a common occurrence in the posts I've seen, it might be related to your input device or the software connected to it.

Windows support is not the best area for this.

Suggest you post in one of the PVR & Live TV Support pages, or I could move this thread to wherever might better address the issue.
Thanks Pat, I just did a complete new install, and the issue is still there. I think I'd best do the same again, but this time test after each addon, Although there is not much now.
It must be one of the addons, Think I'll go hunting there.
Thanks for the advice.
You didn't mention add-ons... and in that could be the solve, but without a debug log it's conjecture. If the system used to work fine with Kodi, then we can probably rule out hardware and input device?

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TV Channel Cursor Location Jumping Around.0