add-on - Is there a way to set the save location?
I currently am using the add-on and so far it has been working fine.

My only issue with the add-on is that when it downloads a subtitle it will automatically save it to the same folder/location where the video (move or tv) is located. There is no option to tell the add-on to save the subtitle to a custom location (on the local or network strorage location).

Any way to add this feature to this add-on?

Thanks all.
Thread moved to subtitles addon support
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Never mind, I think I solved this problem via another thread I found here at: Storage folder location for add-on? where the reply in post #3 said:
Quote:'Next to the videos' is the default setting for storing subtitles.
Selecting a custom location for all subtitles is the other option.
Both options are Kodi options, not OpenSubtitles-only options. They apply to all subtitle add-ons.
I tried this and it appears to have worked.

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