v19 Linux Mint Kodi (v 19.4.0) - how to set all folders to grid view instead of list?
Using Kodi from the Linux Mint Software Manager I have the below issue. Not trying to use the Flatpak version as accessing connected external SSDs/HDDs is confusing with that one.

I use the stock Estuary theme, not Estouchy, since the latter does not seem to be usable with the wireless remote I've got ( this one: amazon.com/gp/product/B071RTDYV2 )

Issue is I can't swith the file list from list view to grid view.
There's info online that the bottom-left icon should be clicked for that:

but there's no view mode entry in the list:

Also can't find anything in the settings regarding this:


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Linux Mint Kodi (v 19.4.0) - how to set all folders to grid view instead of list?0