Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Duplicates in library
Hello everyone,

just discovered a strange bug, which quite unexpectedly seems to come from the Mimic-LR skin. After setting up an SQL-database, I noticed all my movies are displayed twice in the library: once with artwork, once without. Starting the movie is possible from both. When I start it from the entry without artwork and leave it, it switches back to the entry with the artwork. Turned out that there are no duplicates when I go back to the Estuary skin, and even within the Mimic-LR skin it only happens if the movies are displayed in the Arcade view. In my case, setting another view solved the problem. The duplicates even disappear if I switch back to Arcade. I really don't know where this comes from, but just in case this happens to someone else, the workaround is quite simple Smile
The skin doesn't do anything except tell kodi how to display the list of movies. (eg, the "look and feel" of each item kodi has in it's list).  If you have duplicates in the list, it means kodi is returning 2 entries in it's list and calling the skin code to display both of them.   I've occasionally seen something similar after doing a library update, where I've moved the movie locations, or re-indexed the source, and had not yet run the "clean library" function to clear out the dead entries yet.  (I do my indexing on a kodi instance running on the server which hosts my files, so my various TV box kodi's see the intermediate results during that process)

If you see 2 entries in the list for a movie, it's because the mysql database (in your case) is returning 2 different records back to kodi.  The kodi log may have more information.
It's also possible that there could be some sort of DB result caching going on somewhere, but I assume you would have had to restart kodi in order to switch the database.
You are welcome to use the Kodi Selective Cleaner addon, which has true database duplicate detection.  Version 1.0.7 added that feature.  You can learn more about it here.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.

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Duplicates in library0