Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved How to create advancedsettings.xml on Xbox
Does anyone know how I can edit the advancedsettings.xml file on the Xbox Series X? I have the same question about smart TVs, but let's stick to the Xbox for now.
I figured it out.

1) Create the advancedsettings.xml file on your PC
2) Put it in a folder you can access from the File Manager on KODI
3) Copy the file to the root of the "Profile directory" on KODI using the File Manager

NOTE TO THE MODS: Can you please fix the title of this thread? I spelled it wrong. If you don't change it, it won't show up in anyone's searches that might find this thread helpful.
this is exactly what I came here to find out... so thanks for posting back to your own thread with the solution... 
I used to use the advancedsettings.xml years ago, but think I'll go back to using it now. This is where you set up the fact you want a central database to be used instead of lots of individual ones right?
Thread marked solved.

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How to create advancedsettings.xml on Xbox0