Thumbnails for all music?
I just loaded the latest beta of Atlantis, and I can't figure out how to scan all my audio for thumbnails. I went in the settings and told it to scrape AllMusic, but the only way I've found so far is to get properties of one album at a time and hit the refresh button. Is there a way to scan all albums and populate the thumbnails?
Mac: White iMac Core Duo, Radeon mobility X1300 128MB video, Broadcom CrystalHD Mini PCIe OS X 10.5.6
PC: Mythbuntu 10.10, Dual-core Pentium 2.0GHZ, 2GB RAM, GeForce 9400 PCIe
TV: 60" Sharp Aquos connected via HDMI
...And a launch day Boxee Box!
Scan your music in to the library. You do it via the context menu ©.
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Thumbnails for all music?0