Windows 11 cant match with my second monitor.why?
i have a laptop with a monitor and connect it with in the win settings the second monitor is detected but i cant see anything in the monitor.i do win+p but the picture is not changed.its black.
also updated my graphic driver.
my win11 is updated too.
what should i do?
Quote:what should i do?
Provide a debug log (wiki)
(2024-07-08, 19:28)beckahmaria Wrote: what should i do?
On your windows desktop, use the windows display switch to duplicate your desktop on the secondary display... ensure the sizing is satisfactory on both... edge to edge? (not over or under). Check your gfx engine settings to ensure size resolution. Launch Kodi... do you see the interface on both/one? (res is the same?) hit the \ button on your keyboard to go into windowed mode... anything? 

Supply the debug log as request.

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Windows 11 cant match with my second monitor.why?0