Solved Movie Sets (Descriptions vs. List of Movies)
Some of my Movie Sets display a description of the movie set and some have a dated list of movies. What controls this? I would like all my movie sets to display the dated list.
Dates are only visible when the plot is empty.
This is what is in my NFO file.

        <name>Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton Collection</name>

It still shows an outline and not a dated list.
I think it should be <overview></overview> instead.
Well, now I feel stupid. You are right. It is overview and not outline.

I had a thought while I was troubleshooting this. I thought maybe my NFO file was wrong. For example, maybe I spelled a tag wrong, or I forgot to close a tag. If KODI finds a problem with an NFO file like I described, does it create a log anywhere?
You can mark this resolved, but I would love to know the answer to my last question.
(2024-07-15, 02:47)Mavii Wrote: If KODI finds a problem with an NFO file like I described, does it create a log anywhere?
No it doesn't. It just skips the tag and moves on. Or if the whole file is invalid, it just skips it and calls the scraper.
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Noted. Thank you. This thread can be marked resolved.
Thread marked solved.

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Movie Sets (Descriptions vs. List of Movies)0