Solved List control XML not rendering (Kodi 20.2.0)
Hello. I'm developing a program add-on that displays 'now playing' information pulled from a server on my network. I'm creating the UI in XML and am facing an issue when using the list control, `<control type="list">`, insofar as the list container and/or its items are not rendering. I've produced a minimal example here: (note the `test/001-list` branch). The `Hello, World!` label outside the list is rendering fine, but the list is not. To keep things simple, I've just added static list items via the `content` element. Below is the `xml` I'm using. There are no errors in the log and I've enabled advanced debugging. Here is a copy of my log after opening the add-on:

In short, what am I doing wrong? Many thanks in advance!



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<window id="1100">
        <control type="label">
            <label>Hello, World!</label>

        <control type="list" id="1">
                    <label>Item 1</label>
                <control type="label">

You'll need to add the focused layout control as well.

<control type="label">
Wonderful. That's solved it - thank you! For some reason, I didn't consider that element required - silly me!

Not entirely sure how to mark this as 'solved', but it is.
Thread marked solved.

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List control XML not rendering (Kodi 20.2.0)0