v22 NextPVR won't install in Kodi 22/Piers
Due to dependency on inputstream.ffmpegdirect 22.0.0 which isn't available from repo.  I see elsewhere that addon may have a problem compiling on Android so maybe that is stopping windows compile too (just a guess).  I posted an issue on the github repo.

scott s.
The automated update to Piers made inputstream.ffmpegdirect mandatory https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.nextpvr/...6dd3aa52c3 and I have changed that in PR 269 but I am not sure that matters to the install system.  I can resubmit PR 269 to see.

The artifact zips in PR 269 https://jenkins.kodi.tv/blue/organizatio...artifacts/ should install

Downloaded pvr.nextpvr-22.1.0 for x86_64 from your Jenkins link.  That did install but crashes Kodi when Kodi tries to start it:
fositulizu.kodi (paste)
Also saw that the update to inputstream.ffmpegdirect showed up today so I installed that but the crash persists. Had to open addons33.db and force pvr.nextpvr to disabled in order to get into Kodi.

So I uninstalled pvr.nextpvr 22.1.0, restarted Kodi and then installed pvr.nextpvr 22.0.0 from tke Kodi repo via the UI, and now with inputstream.ffmpegdirect 22.0.1 installed from Kodi repo nextpvr is running, so I guess it is resolved (though 22.1.0 crash does exist).

scott s.
Yes I was working with @ksooo earlier today on an issue in the new PVR API which could crash loading recordings in 22.1.0 (where yours crashed too).  That will be resolved before the PR is merged.


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NextPVR won't install in Kodi 22/Piers0