v21 Buffer
it's only me who has problems with the 2GB of ram of my Rpi 4  which saturates easily after the updates and ends with a crash ? 
No buffer" or "Buffer all network filesystems, including: SMB, NFS ...; it's same thing.
The entire library is on a NAS and is substantial
I didn't have this problem before.
  • LibreELEC: 12.0.0
  • Kodi: Omega 21.0.0 
In the absence of feedback on my question, i returned to the previous version:  
- LibreELEC: 11.0.6
- Kodi: 20.3 Nexus
- Aeon Nox: Silvo: 9.1.8

Everything's back to normal.
You could try Kodi 21.1.
Kodi 21.0 is a complete misunderstanding on the subject of buffering.
Thumbs Up 
I tried it, there are no more frequent crashes like the previous version but the RAM usage is between 1.3 GB and 1.5 GB constantly.

Like today after 17 hours of use, it remained at over 1.7 GB, therefore it completely lost its fluidity, I have to reboot it.

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