Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v21 AutoPlay does not always work
Running a new install of v21.1 on Raspberry Pi 4 (8gb) with LibreElec  12.01, connecting to a MariaDB database for media info...

I have several TV series on my NAS. Among them is "The Big bang Theory". I have autoplay set to "Episodes". My problem is that autoplay seems to work fine in the first five seasons, but for some reason it stops working around 1/3 of the way through season 6, and doesn't work again until s9e1.

I poked around in the database, looking at the various tables associated with tv shows, but didn't see anything obvious that might indicate why there's a problem regarding autoplay. I suspect it's in kodi itself.

I did notice that it it's not going to work, it doesn't display the episode info before its starts to replay the last episode.

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