Android Kodi freezes randomly on shield pro while reading sftp server
Hi there, Going crazy (especially my wife) because of this crashing issue.

The image freezes randomly while playing videos from my sftp server and Kodi doesn't respond anymore. I have to restart it.

The files played are never very large (never more than 1080p and between 2 to 4 GB max).

Could it be because of my not so good network connection ? The settings for the buffer ?

Thank you all

Here is the full log

and the main errors are :
  • CMediaCodecVideoBuffer::ReleaseOutputBuffer error in render(false)
  • error <general>: SOCK: Error selecting socket(s)
  • error <general>: ES: Exception caught while listening for socket
  • error <general>: JSONRPC Server: Select failed
ReleaseOutputBuffer is not a crash failure and appears on some installations without crash conditions

the socket errors might indicate a connection issue occurs

take note the vfs.sftp addon was last updated for Nexus (v20) and there may be conditions in V21 or V22 which it's not capable of handling -
recommend eliminating this addon and verifying kodi works without it to isolate issues to either Kodi or the addon

it could be a misinterpretation of the issue at hand or it could be that the Nexus version of the addon is not compatible with Omega
Thank you.
I will try. But without this sftp addon, I'm fucked

I think I had the same issue before, with another device, older Kodi version... and the same server.

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Kodi freezes randomly on shield pro while reading sftp server0