Movie set nfo for video/folders

I've arranged my movies into

videos/movies/Lord of the Rings Collection 
videos/movies/Star Wars Collection
videos/movies/Star Trek Collection

with all the movies in that collection in each folder. Currently I've manually stored the poster.jpg and fanart.jpg files in each folder (so the images appear for the folders) but it slows the kodi down. Is there a way to link the movie set thumbnails to the relevant folders using a movieset.nfo?

I would like an movie set nfo so that it can show the poster and fanart for the folder, as well under the library. I tried to set up an nfo for the star wars collection under the video/movies/star wars collection but it doesn't work. I'm also not sure what I need to call the file for it to recognise it as a movie set nfo. TV shows are filed as tvshow.nfo.

<Name>Star Wars Collection</name>
<set>Star Wars Collection</set>
<overview>An epic space-opera theatrical film series, which depicts the adventures of various characters "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…."</overview>

However, for tv show folders, using tvshow.nfo, kodi scrapes the poster and fanart into a thumb.db file in the folder video/tv show/doctor who (classic) folder

 <title>Doctor Who (Classic)</title>

Any help would be great.

I would prefer not to have to use use the movie set information folder which I think is over complicated!
(2024-11-24, 12:19)resistmeuk Wrote: Is there a way to link the movie set thumbnails to the relevant folders

You more or less have slipped into something Kodi has been built to do automagically. Micro managing what Kodi does complicates and suggest a new take on your statement. "I would prefer not to have to use use the movie set information folder which I think is over complicated!" Scraping media into your library should take advantage of placing all 'Sets' as listed by the web database into 'Movie sets (wiki)' and store this information in .nfo then with 'set's flag in Kodi, all your sets would be handled in your library. You don't have to declare a movie set folder, but it does make maintenance a bit easier with the added benefit of not clogging up your folders with extra artwork. The <set> <name></name> <overview></overview> </set> overview listing will allow you to place information regarding the set in the .nfo and the poster/icon can be manipulated within the set manager as per wiki (or if you have created a dedicated movie set folder, it will take the poster & fanart from that list).
(2024-11-24, 12:19)resistmeuk Wrote: I've manually stored the poster.jpg and fanart.jpg files in each folder (so the images appear for the folders) but it slows the kodi down.
Suggests you are not using the Kodi library, but using file view (should have been called file maintenance view) and loads up all the gfx from reading the disk. Kodi's library mode is close to instantaneous and is calling memory from it's cache. You can link TV shows with movies Linking movies to TV shows (wiki)
(2024-11-24, 12:19)resistmeuk Wrote: I would like an movie set nfo so that it can show the poster and fanart for the folder,
You need to set up this...
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does kodi support (collection name)-arttype.ext artwork for collections?


<set>John Wick Collection</set>

art file:
John Wick Collection-poster.jpg
(2024-11-24, 19:29)izprtxqkft Wrote: does kodi support (collection name)-arttype.ext artwork for collections?


art file:

Couched in a movie set folder of the same name video-stuff/poster.jpg fanart.jpg

without the movieset folder and found with the target folder as movieset-poster.jpg & movieset-fanart.jpg
(2024-11-24, 19:29)izprtxqkft Wrote: does kodi support (collection name)-arttype.ext artwork for collections?
No. It uses the simple filename - fanart.jpg, poster.jpg, etc
Don't need the full naming as artwork for different collections are never mixed together, they are always in their own per-set subfolder.

Also, local artwork never needs to be included in the nfo file. As long as the artwork is named and saved correctly, Kodi will find it, just the same way it find the nfo file.
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(2024-11-24, 19:55)PatK Wrote: without the movieset folder and found with the target folder as movieset-poster.jpg & movieset-fanart.jpg
(2024-11-24, 20:01)Karellen Wrote: Don't need the full naming as artwork for different collections are never mixed together, they are always in their own per-set subfolder.


i think it would be a feature improvement to allow this then

- moviefolder/poster.jpg
- moviefolder/fanart.jpg
- moviefolder/clearlogo.png
- moviefolder/(set name)-poster,fanart,clearlgo.ext

other platforms allow this, eliminates a dedicated MSIF as the artwork is with the movies themselves
the artwork only has to be found with the first movie so it doesn't need to be duplicated across 15 movies f.e.
(2024-11-24, 20:14)izprtxqkft Wrote: i think it would be a feature improvement to allow this then
Actually, it was removed when the MSIF was implemented.
Movie Sets were upgraded to a full media class, just like movies, tv shows and music.
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(2024-11-24, 20:19)Karellen Wrote: Actually, it was removed when the MSIF was implemented.

well, ok then, it is unlikely to be re-added in that case
esp. since that must have been a very long time ago and it's been working for everyone


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Movie set nfo for video/folders0