v21 SOLVED: EDL Chapter markers dont work with BigSeekForward
I am using EDL's to setup a chapter list (intro skipping)

0 215 2

However if this doesn't work as chapter when using (Up/Down)chapter seeking. The GUI buttons works for next and previous chapters  and seek to chapter marker specified in the EDL. Is this a bug? happens on Linux and on Android. Other files with chapters in the file seek fine.
Not supported. It's something I've been meaning to change for a while but never got the time. I'm most interested in having the user created bookmarks with the GUI recognized as chapters for skipping, but EDLs will likely be similar.
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Thanks! Will opening a bug for the issue help you or is it already on to do list somewhere?
No, it's a feature request. You could post it in that section of the forum, it may catch the eye of another dev with interest and some time.
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SOLVED: EDL Chapter markers dont work with BigSeekForward0