How to refresh Artwork on one instance of a shared library
I'm using Mariadb for my databases.  For some reason, my db was offine (unbeknownst to me), so when one of my kodi instances was acting up, I rebooted it. It lost all the local artwork. Even after another reboot, it seems to only sparsely have some artwork.

Is there a way to refresh the thumbnails only on this one instance?

For what it's worth, it's an RPi2, so maybe the slow refresh of thumbnails is normal.
Can you play the video files? Wondering if maybe the IP address has changed and the pi can't find the artwork.
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Small, not exciting update.  All IPs are static, content plays fine. I deleted thumbnails db and the thumbnails folder and rebooted. One or 2 shows got their artwork, but overall, no change. I'm gonna try to delete them and reboot again, unless there are other ideas.
(2024-12-23, 00:35)sufreak Wrote: All IPs are static, content plays fine
If you go to Choose Art, do you see images available, especially for "local art". If not, if you continue to browse to the video folder which contains the artwork, do you see the artwork?

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So at first, when I browse there, I don't see local art. Then I browse to the local folder, the poster is there. Then for the second art choice (fanart), I do see Local Art.  it's like it needs to be 'shown' what the local folder is.

I can try to dump thumbnails db and folder again. I haven't dug into the logs yet, I've been doing this ad-hoc around family obligations
(2024-12-23, 01:01)sufreak Wrote: I can try to dump thumbnails db and folder again.
You can try but I don't think that will fix it in bulk. At most it will fix the artwork that is being called for display.
Kodi lost contact with the original artwork, so the 24 hour cache check slowly started unloading the missing artwork. It's the reason I tell some misguided users not to delete their local artwork as they have this mistaken belief that once it is cached, original is no longer needed, but it is needed. It is also the reason I say to never use Single File Export because you slowly lose all your artwork.
The only fix I know of is to rescan the library. You have nfo files?
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I keep my local files, and do multi file export. Worst case, I'll do another multi file export and redo it all. I just did it recently, so it's not a big deal. I'll also try a full library rescan first.

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How to refresh Artwork on one instance of a shared library0