HD video playback OK in MPC, not in XBMC

First post Smile.

I'm a long term user of XBMC on xbox (5 years+), and am now migrating to XBMC in either linux or XP. I'm struggling to get a linux (ubuntu) install to output to DVI on my Dell port replicator (laptop is a D400), so I have temporarily installed XP.

I have everything running nicely in XPSP2, however when I playback 720p video in XBMC (streamed via SMB) I get stutters. Same video plays back perfectly in Media Player Classic.

Obviously my D400 is on the cusp of being able to playback HD - is there anyway I can tune XBMC to be able to use what processor power exists in a more efficient manner?? I'd like to be able to use the XBMC interface (via a WiiMote) rather than have to use native XP.

Thanks for any tips Big Grin.


I just noticed the same this evening trying out a "Earth.2007.720p.BluRay.x264-hV.mkv". This used to be no problem whatsoever in mediaportal with my Intel e6400, even 1080p worked alright. We should not complain to much though... remember that the ATLANTIS for windows/linux at this date is still quite new and certainly will improve in later releases.

Kind regards,
afaik media player classic can make use of the directx drivers which are mostly a little bit better than the opengl implementation which XBMC uses.
Another thing is that we use ffmpeg which isn't at the newest version yet and still coredumps in windows if we want to use more than one processor.
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Im also getting lip sync and some delays when playing back 720p content..

Running a dualcore PC, and gforce 8500..

When playing it outside of xbmc it runs fine..

I understand that running HD content from within xbmc only uses the PC power.. will there be any updates to the player so that it uses the grapic card power.
Thx for replies.

I guess it's a case of sitting tight - might be sorted in the not too distant future. Smile



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HD video playback OK in MPC, not in XBMC0