Update ONLY the TV portion of video library
Is there a way to only update the movie or TV portion of the video library? Currently I go into file mode select the root source folder and do a "scan for new content". Is there a better way?

Also, what section of the forum should general XBMC questions that are platform agnostic (like both of these) go now?
Is there any reason why it matters not to update both at the same time? If you just added files to one section it will only update that section
FlimtotheFlam Wrote:Is there any reason why it matters not to update both at the same time? If you just added files to one section it will only update that section
Cause I have to wait a looong time for it to finish as it goes thru my movies, and all I wanted was to update the TV portion.
You can run "Scan for new content" from file view on you tv source.
althekiller Wrote:You can run "Scan for new content" from file view on you tv source.
Yes, true. I mentioned that in the opening post. What I would like to do though is run a scan from within library view. It is a bit of a PIA to have to switch to file view, run the scan, then go back into library mode. Could this be done if it was implemented in the skins context menu pop-up?

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Update ONLY the TV portion of video library0