XMBC stalls when, while adding file to database, an album lookup at Allmusic is done
XMC stalls and becomes unresponsive when:

Music files are added to the database with auto album and artist info search enabled.
XBMC is still responsive and I can browse and listen to music.
When I now do a music album info query XBMC stalls and waits ( presumably) for the adding to database finishes.

However I just added 130Gb of data so scanning takes a while. All the time XBMC remains unresponsive.

in the logs i can see that the scanning and adding is still continuing but from the GUI it looks like XBMC has crashed

disable internet lookup of album and artist info while scanning and updating database instead of waiting for scan to finish.

something like: please wait until all background internet query's have been completed
Just so I make sure that others can reproduce the issue:

1. You are scanning your music with internet lookups enabled. Is this required to reproduce the problem, or does it simply make it easier as then the scan takes longer?

2. You then do an album info lookup. Is this from the library view, or from your files view? Is the album in the database already, or is it one that is being scanned?

3. Does the UI control eventually return once the scan has finished?

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To reproduce:

1Confusedtart with no files in the library, so delete the whole library
2: enable automatic album and artist lookup with allmusic as scraper
3: start scanning a rather large music collection >60 GB
4: while XBMC is scanning the database is beeing populated, XBMC stays responsive and I can even play music which is already added to the database
5: switch to library mode
6: select an album which has no info found.
7: ask for abum information

at this point XBMC has to handle 2 lookup requests, 1 is already running the the background from the automatic lookup, and an additional one from the manual lookup. Now it looks like XBMC has crashed because the bar in the upper left corner is not progressing. XBMC has NOT CRASHED, because from the logs I can see that the scraping in the background is still continuing.

Solution: Disable any manual scraping if automatic scraping in the background is being preformed.

The gui returns, and XBMC becomes responsive again, when the background scan is complete but ignores the additional manual album request.

Thanks for posting the trac ticket.

I doubt you need a large collection to reproduce - scanning with 'net lookups on takes forever anyway (slow allmusic.com)

You didn't answer my question, however - does it occur if you DON'T have net lookups enabled during scan?

i.e. is it simply a problem with 2 net based lookups at once, or is it a problem with 2 scanning processes at once?
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XMBC stalls when, while adding file to database, an album lookup at Allmusic is done0