subtitle charset selection
is it possible to change the charset used in subtitles to enable proper display of non-latin characters (like cyrillic for example), just like in xbmp?
is there unicode support in xbmc?

xbmc only uses mplayer subtitle fonts for subtitles.
you can download non-latin versions at mplayer site:
i believe there's also a (linux) tool 2 create your own subs
anyway look here :
under the fonts section there's:
arial - western (iso 8859-1) (4 sizes)
arial - central european (iso 8859-2) (4 sizes)
arial - central european (cp1250) (4 sizes)
arial - greek (iso 8859-7) (4 sizes)
contributed fonts (unsupported)

get the one you like, unpack it and copy them to
your xbox's mplayer/fonts directory
XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
thanks a lot frodo - you're the man!!

how about adding an option to the settings screen for changing charset?
just like switching skins or language?

don't know if i should post this in feature request forum or not? it feels like i've been moved around the last couple of times so...  Huh
how about ttf support like xbmp?

my native language (thai) need it to work properly, so do most asian languages.
i found a korean font for mplayer  (submitted on this article).
i copyed them to my xbmc's /mplayer/font directory, but they did not work properly.
on subpicture xbmc only shows latin characters - all korean characters appears "_".
can anybody suggest what to do?
i found how to enable unicode support! (thanks to nara([email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]), tenma([email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email]))

you can enable unicode support by creating a file.

1. create new file

2. rename the file as "mplayer.conf"

3. edit the file like follows


4. copy the file to "/mplayer" directory, and it's all done!

what a simple! :)

i tried the same for southslavic fonts cp1250 and the above procedure won't work

what should i do in order to enable southslavic fonts encoding
in xbmc


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