2009-04-01, 14:35
anything less then QUAD CORES need not apply....??
rogue21 Wrote:anything less then QUAD CORES need not apply....??
smcnally75 Wrote:Says who??
I'm running a PNY 630i/7150 Motherboard with an Intel Pentium Dual Core E5200 2.5GHz and Stark runs perfect on it. You don't even need a separate sound or video card for it because the motherboard handles it all. You can get the MB and Processor bundle at tigerdirect for $134 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/...6&csid=_22
watzen Wrote:what output do you use? 1080/720?
since my proc is just a little bit slower then yours, but my graphics is much better, and I experience stuttering when changing fanart/background simultaneous as scrolling through the showcase scroller.
watzen Wrote:what output do you use? 1080/720?Be sure to use one of the XBMC builds supported by Stark and suggested by its' author, not the "latest downloadable" 8.10. Helped to solve the issues in my case, should help you as well.
since my proc is just a little bit slower then yours, but my graphics is much better, and I experience stuttering when changing fanart/background simultaneous as scrolling through the showcase scroller.
Halibutt Wrote:Be sure to use one of the XBMC builds supported by Stark and suggested by its' author, not the "latest downloadable" 8.10. Helped to solve the issues in my case, should help you as well.
smcnally75 Wrote:I'm outputting 1080p