2009-05-30, 14:12
These are all autohotkey scripts but can be converted into executables.
What you do is download autohotkey
( http://autohotkey.com/ )
open notepad and copy paste the code. extremely easy program but very useful.
1. Execute commands on resume/suspend/sleep. In this example I have it "sleep" for 10 seconds and then execute another script to change resolution.
2. Change resolution,refreshrate,colorquality. You can bind this to a button on keyboard/mouse/remote or w/e or have it execute when you come out of standby/sleepmode.
3. Force Restart XBMC with press of button for when it has crashed or something like it. In this case I've chosen ctrl + X
4. Force Restart/Reboot when windows has stopped functioning. In this case I've chosen ctrl + w. If you want a forced shutdown use "shutdown, 5"
5. bring XBMC to front.
6. execute resolution script by pressing button ctrl+k
What you do is download autohotkey
( http://autohotkey.com/ )
open notepad and copy paste the code. extremely easy program but very useful.
1. Execute commands on resume/suspend/sleep. In this example I have it "sleep" for 10 seconds and then execute another script to change resolution.
OnMessage(0x218, "WM_POWERBROADCAST")
If (wParam == 7) {
Sleep, 10000
Run C:\Resolution.ahk
2. Change resolution,refreshrate,colorquality. You can bind this to a button on keyboard/mouse/remote or w/e or have it execute when you come out of standby/sleepmode.
EncodeInteger( p_value, p_size, p_address, p_offset )
loop, %p_size%
DllCall( "RtlFillMemory"
, "uint", p_address+p_offset+A_Index-1
, "uint", 1
, "uchar", ( p_value >> ( 8*( A_Index-1 ) ) ) & 0xFF )
colorDepth = 32 ; bits (quality)
screenWidth = 1920 ; pixels
screenHeight = 1080 ; pixels
refreshRate = 60 ; Hz (frequency)
; Don't change anything below!
struct_devicemode_size = 156
VarSetCapacity(device_mode, struct_devicemode_size, 0)
EncodeInteger(struct_devicemode_size, 2, &device_mode, 36)
success := DllCall("EnumDisplaySettings", "uint", 0, "uint", -1, "uint", &device_mode)
EncodeInteger(0x00040000|0x00080000|0x00100000|0x00400000, 4, &device_mode, 40)
EncodeInteger(colorDepth, 4, &device_mode, 104)
EncodeInteger(screenWidth, 4, &device_mode, 108)
EncodeInteger(screenHeight, 4, &device_mode, 112)
EncodeInteger(refreshRate, 4, &device_mode, 120)
DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", "uint", &device_mode, "uint", 0)
3. Force Restart XBMC with press of button for when it has crashed or something like it. In this case I've chosen ctrl + X
;forced exit & restart of XBMC
Process, Close, XBMC.exe ;close current session
sleep, 5000 ;wait 5 sec
Run, C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe "-fs" ;restart session
4. Force Restart/Reboot when windows has stopped functioning. In this case I've chosen ctrl + w. If you want a forced shutdown use "shutdown, 5"
;forced restart
shutdown, 6
5. bring XBMC to front.
;Brings XBMC to front
^o::WinActivate, XBMC Media Center
6. execute resolution script by pressing button ctrl+k
;Change resolution as specified in resolution.ahk
Run C:\Resolution.ahk