Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
tvshowmatching tag
I am having trouble with this. I have searched the forums but can't find an answer. I created a file called "advancedsettings.xml" and put it in my "c:\program files (x86)\xbmc\userdata" directory. This is what I have in it:
<regexp>Season[\._ ]([0-9]+)[\\/]([0-9]+)[^\\/]*</regexp>
My files are formatted as: TV show name\Season 1\01 episode name.avi

It is picking up the TV show titles in xbmc but they all contain 0 episodes.
If I remember correctly, it should be in the application data folder:
\user\<your user name>\appdata\roaming\xbmc\userdata (I'm going by memory on that location, but it's very similar to that). You may need to enable "view hidden files and folders" to find it.
That's it. Thanks a lot.
robothunter Wrote:That's it. Thanks a lot.

You're welcome. Glad I could help!

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