Offline files - how to flag them
I will explain my usage:
I have a huge data lirbary for my DVD that I manage with a program.
I'm able to export them in the form I like (I wrote the exporter) and I can have a folder extension to identify the offline folders.

So what I was trying to do is to show the DVD offline icon for my offline folders. I would love to have offline flag for all types but as a first outcome it would be nice even to distinguish between the offline dvd and the online content.

This is a sample directory structure I was using:

Directory of T:\test out\output 2\A Beautiful Mind (2001).offdvd

29-Jun-09 19:08 <DIR> .
29-Jun-09 19:08 <DIR> ..
28-Jun-09 15:22 45,064 A Beautiful Mind (2001).offdvd.avi
28-Jun-09 15:22 84 A Beautiful Mind (2001)
29-Jun-09 19:08 1,191,231 A Beautiful Mind (2001).offdvd.jpg
29-Jun-09 19:08 6,588 A Beautiful Mind (2001).offdvd.nfo
29-Jun-09 19:08 1,191,231 A Beautiful Mind (2001).offdvd.tbn
29-Jun-09 19:08 <DIR> extrathumbs
29-Jun-09 19:08 385,530 fanart.jpg
29-Jun-09 19:08 1,191,231 folder.jpg
29-Jun-09 19:08 1,191,231 poster.jpg
8 File(s) 5,202,190 bytes
3 Dir(s) 4,784,021,504 bytes free

So I put the flag in the folder and then, using MIP or EMM, I fill in the folder with all the files.

this should be generic enough for everyone...

an option could be to define some off<standard support> (example offdvd, offbd) with an icon set so that all skins could use it and is available for everyone.

Any idea? how can we standardize this?

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mfsav2 Wrote:Any idea? how can we standardize this?


For convenience sake, maybe we could keep existing naming and files and extend them as following:

a) a tag could be added in movie.nfo file <offline>55</offline> which would tell XBMC that title is offline and recorded on DVD No.55


b) a fake file could be placed in a movie folder: offline_55.avi which could XBMC the same thing as above

Cheers, P
My skins:


..or maybe do it this way:

xml file with a tag <offline>disc 55</offline> could be put in movies folder, BUT with movie extension (offline.AVI for example). Maybe media flagging feature could then be adapted to include this info extraction as well. CapnBry is it feasible?

Nothing else need to be changed and one could use scraper or content managers as one prefers.

Cheers, P.
My skins:


I would really love option a) but I've noticed the scrapers need to have some media file.

that's why I'm creating a fake video (5 sec with the number)

my proposal works transparently with existing code, the only thing to be addedd is the offdvd icon and identifier.

I was looking for an ultra low impact feature.
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Offline files - how to flag them1