Desktop Doesn't Fit Screen
I know this is not an XBMC issue or a Platform specific issue, but since the Hardware Specific category is read only this was my only real option.

Here's the deal...I have a Mitsubishi DLP Model WD-57731 and my motherboard on my HTPC is a GIGABYTE GA-E7AUM-DS2H. I didn't initially notice this when running a Ubuntu install because I didn't have a desktop. When testing both windows XP and 7, running the latest Nvidia Drivers, I had the same results, my Desktop doesn't fit on the screen with the resolution set to 1920x1080. It is really strange because my TV is fully 1920x1080 capable so in theory this should not be the case. I've looked around and read about overscale, overscan and 1:1 pixelmapping but I'm not quite sure I understand it 100%. Either way I could never find an answer that satisfied me.

I'm writing this here because I'm sure one of you have seen something just doesn't make sense to me why if my TV is native 1920x1080, using the PC-DVI interface (I get the same result via HDMI even though my TV manual says not to connect a PC to it), the Windows Desktop is past the outside of my screen and I can't see things along the outside...shouldn't I be able to if the resolutions match. There is no setting that I can find in my TV or the NVidia Control Panel to fix this outside of scaling down/Resizing my desktop within the NVidia Control Panel but that just changes my resolution which is definitely not the goal here.

Hopefully one of you have experienced this same issue and either have a resolution or a logical reason why...Thanks in advance!

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Hi there,

Slightly confused by your thread (although that could be more to do with little sleep on my end than your post Big Grin) but have had those sorts of issues with my htpc set up.

When i connect my laptop (Acer Aspire 8920G) to my Panasonic Viera TX-P46G10E i cannot see the entire of my desktop. From what I understand is that TVs naturally overscan which is not something under normal tv viewing.

If i try and use a standard monitor cable I can see my full screen but the tv is not able to handle the full 1920x1080 resolution which is it capable through HDMI.

I dont think there is anyway round it. I use the hdmi as the overscan is not that much of an issue and when useing XBMC you dont even notice it.

hope this helps.

I'm not sure if my issue was similar to yours, but I've got a... Samsung? I think? I'm suddenly blanking, and I'm not actually near it. Anyway, a 40 inch TV with a few HDMI inputs. The crazy thing is, the input labeled "HDMI/DVI" has overscan built in, while the the other HDMI inputs do not.

This means, in order to run my computer at full resolution, I plugged it into one of the other HDMI inputs, and plugged my cable receiver into the HDMI/DVI input.

If you haven't tried checking this, I recommend giving it a go. If you have, I think we can all agree that TVs are almost universally manufactured bizarrely.
nmiller - the issue you are describing is overscan, I also have the same problem.

Wikipedia explains it well enough I think:

Thanks everyone...with your assistance and some more hours of research I was able to find the solution by changing some settings on my TV. Thanks again!


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