re: glyphs.txt
i just noticed the glyphs.txt file in media\fonts folder. at the top of that file there are some language specific elements.
in the 12-8 cvs some swedish specific characters stoped working. maybe this could be corrected with an addition to glyphs.txt? if possible that addition would have to be:

swedish: åäö åäö

but i guess duplicates from other langauages would not be necesary so actually:

swedish: å å

would do.

i have swedish åäö åäö... i downloaded fonts from ... (dont remember) cus i wanted fontsize 28.

pm me if you want them...
so i did some experimenting and relised that åäö åäö doesn't works for filenames over smb. and i am talking about the gui texts now, not subtiteling. Image

it works fine for local hdd files and folders
it works fine for shared xns files and folders

i also edited the glyphs.txt and dind't get any changes in behaviour from doing that.

[edit]same behaviour in xbmp so i guess this is a known issue for smb shares?[edit/]

same problem here... Sad
the problem persists on the new samba implementation. slight difference though, previously åäö was replaced with a square, now they are replaced with other strange characters (like yen sign).


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re: glyphs.txt0