Refusing to read discs

been using xbmp for quite a while now with pretty much no problem. decided to give xbmc a go about a month ago and had this problem, so went back to xbmp. had some network problems with xbmp recently, so am trying to switch to xbmc (which works with my network very nicely) permanently.

the problem i've got is that xbmc flatly refuses to read discs with videos on them. it seems to not even bother trying reading them, and just gives me the .. (back to previous directory) symbol and nothing else. i tried editing the xml to include the specific iso and udf options, but both do the same .. thing.
i've tried multiple versions of xbmc, but they all do the same thing.

running xbmc from evox3935, xbox v1.1, x-lite 2.1 (i think), stock hdd, samsung dvd.

anyone know the answer?


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