Problem with pausing movies
Hi all,

I'm having an issue with pausing movies in the latest XBMC for XBOX build (r28991).

I am streaming movies in ISO format and what happens is that if I pause the movie, once i hit play the movie just stutters for a couple second and then freezes. I can exit out of the movie and then play the movie again just fine. The issue only occurs if i pause the movie and then try to play it again. I've tried a couple of different skins and they all show the same problem (PM3.HD, Confluence, Rapier,...)

I actually went back to the previous build i was on (r24613 from nov. 25 2009) and using the same skin the issue does not exist. Using PM3.HD i can stream the ISO file, pause it, and play it again with no issues.

I've posted the debug log here:

Thanks for any help.
Having same issue here with DVD disc's also noticed an issue with fast forwarding and rewinding DVD's at 8X and 16 X where the movie just starts to skip through each chapter.
I also tried copying over the dvdplayer from the previous build that worked fine, however that did not make a difference (i just copied over the dvdplayer folder under system/players. is that the correct method?)

Thanks for any input.
argh this was fixed, is it back? i haven't tried an ISO for a while..

i don't have a problem with pausing in any build.

(t3ch r28472)
edit: tried fastforwarding some ISOs, seems ok still
edit2: Rewind of ISOs doesn't seem to work properly! gets stuck. pressing Play works ok, but can't rewind (Skip chapter back is ok).

SSHCS r27908 seems ok, so this was a fairly recent breakage i think.
Weird that it broke again. Anyone has a clue on the *exact* rev it broke?
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
ISO rewind in t3ch Mar 10 2010 SVN:28472 is weird: at Rewind 2x the time continues to go forward - or jump around over the same 4 seconds. like its fighting with playback. at Rewind at higher speeds movie may go backwards but seems to struggle a lot. weird.
can't do a full regression/version test right now sorry.
Thanks for the reply Smiff.

arnova Wrote:Weird that it broke again. Anyone has a clue on the *exact* rev it broke?

I'm not sure of the exact build but i did try a bunch of version randomly until i found one that worked ok. I can post that version number once i get home.
wowser Wrote:Thanks for the reply Smiff.

I'm not sure of the exact build but i did try a bunch of version randomly until i found one that worked ok. I can post that version number once i get home.

That would help a bit but note that knowing a more exact rev it broke would make fixing it a lot easier since I don't have the time to do all the regressions testing myself....
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
There may be more than one issue here.
I cannot recreate any problem with pausing in any build.
Getting the issue here too with pausing a movie and then having to either press stop on the movie or restart the xbox as play does nothing. Only happened in the last very few builds maybe 2 or 3 ago.
This problem is also affecting streaming from the internet because when xbmc needs to buffer it pauses the video and then crashes.
willers.nail Wrote:This problem is also affecting streaming from the internet because when xbmc needs to buffer it pauses the video and then crashes.

Sounds like a different issue. A debug log may tell...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Here's my debug log of the issue where I press pause on a movie ->
willers.nail Wrote:Here's my debug log of the issue where I press pause on a movie ->

This indeed seems like a different issue:
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: mplayer generated exception in play_audio
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: mplayer generated exception in play_audio
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: mplayer generated exception in play_audio
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: mplayer generated exception in play_audio
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: mplayer generated exception in play_audio
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: mplayer generated exception in play_audio
23:25:45 M: 10993664 ERROR: CThread:ConfusedtaticThread : Access violation at 0x8003d66e: Reading location 0x50122570

I think the same thing applies here: trying to figure out a more exact revision it broke could help fixing it. I for one haven't seen this issue with my own setup...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-

I've tested some builds: with 28981 I don't have freezes, but starting with the 28991 I have always freetes when I push the pause. So it should be something between these two builds.

PS: by the way with the build 29348 I have huge problems: during the navigation in menus my xbox has always almost 100% cpu load.

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