Missing parts of the UI

i seem to be missing some part of the ui of xbmc...
the videos i play in it are ok, but the user-interface itself is cut.

see what i mean: Image

my screen calibration, in case that's relevant:

default ui calibration: Image
ui calibration to see the upper-left corner: Image
ui calibration to see the lower-right corner: Image

main screen using ui calibration on upper-left corner: Image

movies on xbmc and pc (movies aren't cut as u can see here):

any suggestion on how i could see all the ui ?


hmm why don't you set the ui callibration to the middle ?? or am i worng in how i'm reading your post.

to me it looks like you either set it to the far right or the far left. why not set it in the middle ?
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  • 47" LG HDTV1080p, AC3/DTS Receiver.
  • 96" Epson LCD 1080p projector
  • 2x Raspbery Pi with XBMC
the ui calibration only slides the ui around the screen - it doesnt rescale it (thats only for movies.) all the default skins seem pal-based at 720x576.

the only solution i found was to rescale the skin. another forum member wrote a vb program that runs through all the xml files in a skin directory and changes the dimension and the relative x-y positions of the controls. (sorry i forgot who and where it is exactly - but you should be able to search for it in the forums.) i found that 700x500 fit best on my old 27' ntsc tv.

i'll just warn you that the auto scaling didnt turn out perfect. some screen items look a bit "squished". i had to make some manual adjustments to the skin afterwards to fix em. it was a bit of trial and error.
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so u mean that the ui doesn't show correctly on all ntsc tv Huh
like i said in another thread about this issue you posted in, i'll bet it is the offset of your tv. try your xbox with the same xbmc and same settings on another tv and see what happens.

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yeah, i saw that suggestion.
but i don't really walk around with my xbox in my backpack... and i'm a little short of televisions at home atm.
will try to think of it next time i go to a friends'.

- mouton

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Missing parts of the UI0