ccxGUI bug
found a bug in ccxgui.

here's my settings for ccxgui
Quote:root: c:\movies
share #1:
share: c:\mp3\music
location: /cygdrive/c/mp3/music
share #2:
share: c:\photos\vacation
location: /cygdrive/c/photos/vacation

now when i connect from xbmc i can browse the movies share
but not the music & photos shares (they dont show any files)
i tested it again, now with ccxtest.exe
it shows:
1) c:\movies
2) c:\mp3\music
3) c:\photos\vacation
4) -- xxx) the dirs & files from c:\movies

the problem here is the pathnames like
c:\mp3\music !!!
this is ugly and not working (yet) in xbmc
xbmc expects friendly names to be used.
the chars \ or : are not allowed (yet) in xbmc

however, in ccxstream you can give a share a friendly name use the -s parameter for ccxstream.
so if i do the following from the command prompt:
Quote:ccxstream -s movies=c:\movies -s music=c:\mp3\music -s photos=c:\photos\vacation
then ccxtest.exe shows:
1) movies
2) music
3) photos

and this works perfectly in xbmc.

i tried f2 in ccxgui to give the shares a friendly name
somehow this doesnt work.

1. ccxgui should use the -s parameter for ccxstream
2. allow users to enter a friendly name for each share
3. if no share is given then use the last path as the friendly name
4. xbmc should b fixed so it supports : and \ for xbms protocol

XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
one more thing:
why does ccxgui have a root anyway?
better would be if
1. ccxgui created an (empty) directory
2. pointed the root to this empty directory
this way you would only see the shares .
so it should start ccstream like this:
Quote:ccxstream -r [emptydir] -s [name1]=[dir1] -s [name2]=[dir2]
[emptydir] = complete path of (empty) directory created by ccxgui

[name1] = friendly name for dir1 (let user fill this in!Wink
[dir1]     = complete path for share 1

[name2] = friendly name for dir2 (let user fill this in!Wink
[dir2]     = complete path for share 2

if you do it like this then you'll see that ccxtest and/or xbmc
shows you the following when browsing:
1) name1
2) name2

so only the shares added, not any other files/dirs
(dont forget to add "" characters around the dir names cause they could contain spaces)


XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
you got mail....

if you have read the read-me.txt you would see that when selecting a share and press f2 you can rename the share and when pressing delete, the selected share is deleted

i'll make i use an empty dir for root :-)
hi ice!

no flame intended, just my thoughts about ccxgui after using it a bit more.

1. i did read the readme.txt, but f2 doesnt work 4 me (sorry)
i click on the share, hit f2 and a dialog pops up with just the yes/no buttons. if i click yes the share is removed, if i click no then nothing happens. nowhere i can share the location

2. i would appreciate it if ccxgui didnt use the characters : and \ / in the names for locations as his doesnt work with xbmc yet.

suggestion: suppose the user drag&dropped the folder c:\mp3\music into ccxgui. now this get the location name

could you just take the last part of the folder as a friendly name? so the location would be music in this case

3. pls read my 2 posts carefully. i think it will improve ccxgui!
i think that it would be much nicer if the root points to an empty dir automaticcly. no need for the user 2 fill it in
XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
my bad about the f2 (rename) .... have f*cked up in the source...forgot to end the function for the delete function Smile

correcting it in next release

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