2003-12-31, 13:09
found a bug in ccxgui.
here's my settings for ccxgui
now when i connect from xbmc i can browse the movies share
but not the music & photos shares (they dont show any files)
i tested it again, now with ccxtest.exe
it shows:
1) c:\movies
2) c:\mp3\music
3) c:\photos\vacation
4) -- xxx) the dirs & files from c:\movies
the problem here is the pathnames like
c:\mp3\music !!!
this is ugly and not working (yet) in xbmc
xbmc expects friendly names to be used.
the chars \ or : are not allowed (yet) in xbmc
however, in ccxstream you can give a share a friendly name use the -s parameter for ccxstream.
so if i do the following from the command prompt:
1) movies
2) music
3) photos
and this works perfectly in xbmc.
i tried f2 in ccxgui to give the shares a friendly name
somehow this doesnt work.
1. ccxgui should use the -s parameter for ccxstream
2. allow users to enter a friendly name for each share
3. if no share is given then use the last path as the friendly name
4. xbmc should b fixed so it supports : and \ for xbms protocol
here's my settings for ccxgui
Quote:root: c:\movies
share #1:
share: c:\mp3\music
location: /cygdrive/c/mp3/music
share #2:
share: c:\photos\vacation
location: /cygdrive/c/photos/vacation
now when i connect from xbmc i can browse the movies share
but not the music & photos shares (they dont show any files)
i tested it again, now with ccxtest.exe
it shows:
1) c:\movies
2) c:\mp3\music
3) c:\photos\vacation
4) -- xxx) the dirs & files from c:\movies
the problem here is the pathnames like
c:\mp3\music !!!
this is ugly and not working (yet) in xbmc
xbmc expects friendly names to be used.
the chars \ or : are not allowed (yet) in xbmc
however, in ccxstream you can give a share a friendly name use the -s parameter for ccxstream.
so if i do the following from the command prompt:
Quote:ccxstream -s movies=c:\movies -s music=c:\mp3\music -s photos=c:\photos\vacationthen ccxtest.exe shows:
1) movies
2) music
3) photos
and this works perfectly in xbmc.
i tried f2 in ccxgui to give the shares a friendly name
somehow this doesnt work.
1. ccxgui should use the -s parameter for ccxstream
2. allow users to enter a friendly name for each share
3. if no share is given then use the last path as the friendly name
4. xbmc should b fixed so it supports : and \ for xbms protocol