[MOD] Panel view for MusicLib - Artists in Alaske Revisited
The Music Wall is great for Albums, but I was missing the panel view for artists in the Music Library.
Alaska original had this view, Revisited did not yet have it.
I'm not an expert in Skinning, but made some efforts on the XML files to add the panel. This is the result sofar :



Its also usable in movies and TV shows:

RAR file to be downloaded at: SendSpace - PanelView
Please make a copy of your <users/../AppData/Roaming/XBMC/addons/alaska.revisited> directory.
Replace the xml files in the <users/../AppData/Roaming/XBMC/addons/alaska.revisited/720p> directory

I will include this panel view in a White Matte Icon MOD of the Alaska Revisited - thread to be launched

Please let me know if this works for you.

Problems known :
1. Selecting the view type in the Music Lib does not give a Panel selection, but just a '-' sign. select this for Panel view
Anyone can help me get this solved?

2. Panel view has normaly 3 types: SquarePanel, TallPanel, WidePanel. Only SquarePanel seems to work.
Anyone can help to have the others selected (see problem 1)
Does anyone have these xml files? Link does not work.
Or perhaps someone can modify music files to achieve a similar effect?
looks nice good work :-) if you want to change the name for the selection edit this line in your XML

<viewtype label="logo">list</viewtype>

your label prob has a number there as Hitcher uses Strings rather then names in my mod this comes up as Logo when selected.
awesome MOD

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[MOD] Panel view for MusicLib - Artists in Alaske Revisited0