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Setting multiple directories for games

i have the latest build for xmbc and i modified the file e:\tdata\oface008 and under kaigamesdir tag to indicate where the games are located.  

the problem is that i have game in two separate directories and i tried to do what i did on the xboxmediacenter.xml file which is to place a "," between the two separate paths.

is there a way to setup multiple directories on kai xlink to load the games automaticly?  if a put only one directory it work but i'm trying to find the symbol that will separate the paths. i tried the "," ";" "|" and nothing works

if not it's ok since you can click on the back button and launch the game yourself.  by the way great work work with the software.

thank you
i have the same problem. need help
same issues here, i have my games put in sections so i'm using 7 seperate dirs.
would be very much appreciated if it could be supported. :bowdown:
did anyone ever figure this out??

is there a depth setting at least?
yes there is a depth settings Smile i can't access the xbox from here so i can't check my settings but i remember setting depth Smile

edit: sorry i misread/understood the problem. the settings i've set is in the normal folder structure where ; is also usable (like mentioned in the first post). it ought to be the same rules for this but i don't know.
yes for you games bookmarks, not for the kai launch dir as far as i remember Sad
striker do you kn ow who works on that? i'm a java guy or i'd get involved....

it would be cool if it were consistent with the other bookmarks...i.e. comma seperated dirs for path and a depth level to search...

i'd like to suggest that, and hopefully its not too hard to implement...

where/how should i get the info across?
runtime had worked on the kai part in xbmc
i dont believe anyone is working on it Image
im a java guy myself too, dont know shit about c++

i guess the problem is that kai needs to know where the games are located, it could be any of the dirs.
so somewhere there needs to be a cached list with the gamename and location.
the bookmarks as they work now can have multiple directories yes.
the problem i guess is that all the paths are scanned each time upon using bookmark. its quite annoying really.
id rather have it scanning for new titles when i want it then each and every time.
dont take me on my work, but i dont think xbmc keeps a cached list.
it shouldn't be that hard to implement but the problem is finding a dev who's got time and is willing to do it.
i just submitted a patch whic should allow you to make the games path a comma seperated list of directories.

as i said before, i am a java programmer...but this seemed fairly trivial.

ideally it will get into cvs soon....though this is the first time i've ever done this and have no idea how long it will take to get reviewed....

hope it helps!!
for anyone tracking this....

my patch was just accepted and added to cvs....

the reviewer made 1 change in that the list of directories is seperated by a ";" ....

...can't wait for the next official cut of xbmc!

could you also add a depth setting (scan level) for these kai folders? i have like 20 game folders all under


these are for categorizing games into for example; racing, roleplay, sports etc...

i need scan level of 2 to find my games, so right now i have to move them to f/g:\games to be able to play them online

i know more people who has the same problem...

currently the kai integration games-dir does not work like the bookmarks....and i am not sure where that code is or how it works...

basically all the kai code idd was grab the value set for the dir and use it...i extended it to take the semi-colon-seperated list of dirs....

you are right though, ideally this code should behave like the bookmarks and allow depth settings...for that point it would be cool if it just used the games bookmark, or if you could point it to a bookmark...

unfortunately this is probably out of my league...i'm new to c++...i primarily do java....

i'll poke around, but no promises....
these days i had an idea for my programs and kai. we could save the titleid of a xbe to the programsdatabase while scanning. kai uses the titleid to know which game to start. if you scan your games there is no need for a game directory for kai anymore and a simple query to the database will give the path to the xbe to start. Wink

maybe someone is out there to provide a patch? (scampa123 ?? :thumbsupSmile



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sounds like a nice idea.

just a quick note to whoever adds it: please try and add it in such a way as to mean the database does not need deleting - see the videodatabase code for how to do it.

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i can try to look guys have anymore solid points to code for me to look at?? right not it would be like finding a needle in a hay stack to me :-)


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Setting multiple directories for games0