System link and kai - no games show in lobbies
okay - getting closer to getting kai working...

my setup:

v1.0 xbox with ma softmod
dashboard: avalaunch .49.2
xbmc nov 30th build
dhcp: ip address is
connected via cable to router

windows xp pro sp2
no firewalls
30000 udp port forwarded
kai vii
dhcp: ip address is

d-link 802.11g router

pc is able to connect to kai service. when xbox connects from avalaunch or from xbmc, the ui drops, indicating that i'm connecting successfully. in avalaunch, i can see arenas count down and get numbers next to game names that support system link. in xbmc, i can browse arenas and get chat, etc. when i start a game that supports system link, i never see any games listed.

i noticed that when i am connected to kai, before i start a game, i go to my pc and ping my xbox. it pings just fine. as soon as i start a game, the xbox can no longer be pinged. this indicates to me that my xbox is dropping connection as soon as i start a game.

dang it. i gotta get this workin'.

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System link and kai - no games show in lobbies0