Posts: 446
Joined: Dec 2009
Running 9.11 on Karmic, I while ago, I made a few changes to the Night skin (nothing major, just a few fonts/sizes/colors in a couple of XMLs) that I’d like to carry over to a planned fresh install of Dharma/Night on Meerkat. With this whole new add-on system, can I still just drop a Night folder/files into the same skin folder like in 9.11?
Thanks in advance
Posts: 737
Joined: May 2010
also the
<include name="HorizontalHome">
<control type="fixedlist" id="300">
the id has changed in night home horizontal the old night used to use the id="300 that has changed to id="301 for home horizontal
id="300 is still used for home.xml so if you have modded the homehorizontal.xml you will need to change all the 300 to 301 for it to show up the other xml's also behave different when switching over you will also need to change some id's but thats it just compare the old to the new