Xbmc kaiui won't find engine
i just tried kai because i was fed up with awful performance of xbconnect. i configured the kai engine to use xbmc by reading the pdf. however, when i go to xbmc it says it can't connect to the engine because it can't find it. i know it's not a router issue because i can play games if i set up the games using the ui on the pc. should i specify the ip address of the machine running the engine in xbmc or is that optional? could there be another problem? i am using 12-12-2004 source and the latest version of kai.
can you use kai normally from xbmc games when run from pc?
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yes, i think. last night i ran the ui on the pc and started the xbox with the halo2 disc in. i was able to play in a bunch of different games in syslink. i have never launched the game from within xbmc (starting up in that first) so i don't know if that would be an issue. i doubt it would though.
i dont know, this all sounds unlogical.

firewalls on pc? try with them disabled.
try clearing xbmc's config completely (savegame)
try enablong loglevel 0 and see what happens there (very much logging going on if xbmc finds kai engine)
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yes i thought this was all very strange too since it works on the pc. this means that a firewall cannot be an issue. well norton firwall is running. maybe it is authorized to let the connection out to the kai network but not authorizing the incoming connection from the xbox.

i am an familiar with the log level. where do i do change this.
still no luck. the firewalls are off and xmbc still won't see the engine that is running. i have the engine ip address entered. does that really matter?
you change loglevel in xboxmediacenter.xml, there are instructions inside it
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hey guys, i was having the same problem.  here's how i fixed it:

1. port forwarded and checked to see if i could use the pc ui.

2. checked my xbmc version.  i was using the xbmc-2004-12-12 version.  
    so i downloaded the xbmc-2004-11-30 version.

3.  i followed this pdf tutorial, step by step.

4. that's it, after i followed the tutorial, my kai worked.

i also used this tip from the x-link website:

remember to put the port number you forward into the 'kai  
port' box in the kai configuration tool. leave 'kai deep port'
as 0!


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Xbmc kaiui won't find engine0